玛丽贝尔·利伯曼—成功的人生不是偶然(Maribel Lieberman: Successful life is not an accidental)!
— 梦想是美丽的!
Maribel Lieberman’s Values: A Dream is Beautiful!
Maribel Lieberman was born into a big family. She has 7 sisters and brothers. She is the youngest one. Her father owned a farm. Her mother ran a busy boarding house. In order to support this family and raise several kids, her parents worked very hard. However, her mother thought that establishing good values among kids in a family is very important! It’s a priority for the kids to learn to be independent to take care of themselves. At the same time, the elder kids in a family have to take care of and help the younger. Under her education concepts, Maribel Lieberman and her sisters and brothers are independent and cooperative. When they grew up, most of them got scholarships to reduce the financial burdens of the family. When one of Maribel Lieberman’s sisters got married soon after she graduated from college so that she couldn’t support the younger financially, her mom was very upset because she felt that this daughter didn’t listen to her. Eventually, this sister supported the younger sister financially to finish her college.
玛丽贝尔·利伯曼在她很小的时候就展示了她在创造力和商业方面的才能。八岁的时候,她做了糖果,卖给邻居的孩子们! 15岁那年,她全家搬到大城市,以便她的兄弟姐妹可以上更好的大学。但她觉得很无聊,因为她自己没有钱,也没有能力购买自己漂亮的衣服。她想成为一名建筑师,但她的母亲担心她会辍学。于是,她妈妈把她送进了双语学校当秘书。然而,玛丽贝尔·利伯曼并不擅长打字,更不用说会喜欢那种枯燥的工作和单调的生活环境。所以,她决定移民到美国去碰碰运气,尽管她不知道前方有什么在前方等着她。
Her Talent in Business
Maribel Lieberman showed her talents in creativity and in business at her early age. When she was eight years old, she made candies and sold them to children in the neighbors! When she was 15 years old, her family moved to a big city so that her sisters and brothers could go to better colleges. But she felt so bored because she neither had her own money nor afford to buy her own beautiful outfit. She wanted to be an architect but her mother was scared that she would drop out of school. So, her mother put her in a bilingual school as a secretary. However, Maribel Lieberman was not good at typing, much less that kind of boring job and monotonous life environment. So, she decided to immigrate to the U.S. to try her luck, even though she didn’t know what was waiting for her ahead.
— “巧克力女王”
Efforts and Opportunity Create
— "Queen of Chocolate"
Her first job in the U.S. was working for Shiseido cosmetics. Back then Shishido just launched in the U.S. Maribel Lieberman caught this opportunity to learn and to grow together with it. At the same time, she attended Parsons School of Design for Fashion Design to broaden her vision, enrich her reviewing, and increase her knowledge. Later, she started her own business as a chef to branding her own business. In the process of doing her own business, Maribel Lieberman not only becomes the first person to introduce cacao to the U.S., but also becomes the pioneer of the chocolate business in the U.S: Its best quality of ingredients, unique recipes, variety of flavors and tastes, delicate productions, beautiful designs and touching stories promote her to be the “Queen of Chocolate'' in the U.S!
美国是一个移民国家。机会吸引了来自世界各地的移民前来追逐自己的梦想。如何在新环境中生存、奋斗、茁壮成长,成功实现目标? 玛丽贝尔·利伯曼认为她的成功来自家庭的教育和支持。她的母亲教导她的兄弟姐妹要独立合作,勤奋乐观。这些都让她有了独立面对生活挑战的远见和智慧!当她需要姐姐的帮助时,姐姐过来在她的行业工作了8年。
Good Education Are the Foundation of Success!
America is a country of immigrants. The opportunities have attracted a variety of immigrants to come over from everywhere in the world to chase their dreams. How to survive, struggle and thrive in the new environment to approach the goals successfully? Maribel Lieberman thinks that her success is from her family's education and support. Her mother taught her brothers and sisters to be independent and cooperative, diligent and optimistic. These made her have vision and wisdom to face life challenges independently! When she needed her sister's help, her sister came over to work in her industry for 8 years.
纽约 — 玛丽贝尔·利伯曼的梦想成真!
纽约是一个充满残酷竞争的首都。在纽约,有多少人从帕森斯设计学院毕业?有多少人在做巧克力生意?有多少人拥有更强大的财务基础来经营更大的巧克力业务? 玛丽贝尔·利伯曼也必须面对这些竞争和挑战。然而,20年后,玛丽贝尔·利伯曼获得了“巧克力女王”的称号,成为巧克力制造商和巧克力行业的先驱。她成功的秘诀在于她从未停止过对业务的改进,以便始终满足客户的趋势和更高的要求。
走进位于纽约Soho区的玛丽贝尔·利伯曼巧克力旗舰店,欧式风格的经典装修以及琳琅满目的巧克力设计和外包装,都会给您留下深刻印象。客户可以在车间参观生产过程:原料均从世界各地严格挑选。每一颗巧克力都被塑造成不同的形状,被赋予生命和故事……最美好的话语不由自主地涌入你的脑海和心中,表达对“巧克力女王”的感激之情!这就是为什么顾客喜欢 玛丽贝尔·利伯曼和玛丽贝尔·利伯曼巧克力的原因,因为他们一起成为带给人们祝福和希望的天使!
Maribel Lieberman’s Chocolate flagship store in New York
Entering Maribel Lieberman’s Chocolate flagship store in the Soho area in New York, you would be impressed by the classic decoration with European style and dazzling, unique, and beautiful assortments of chocolates’ design and outer packaging. Customers can visit the production process in the workshops: The ingredients are strictly chosen from anywhere in the world. Every chocolate is created into different shapes and are given lives and stories... The best words are involuntarily pouring into your mind and heart to express the thankful feelings to the "Queen of Chocolate"! This is why customers love Maribel Lieberman and Maribel Lieberman’s Chocolate because together they become the angels to bring people blessing and hope!
Maribel Lieberman-Queen of Chocolate
Maribel Lieberman’s Cultural Concepts – Equality and Harmony!
As a famous and successful immigrant entrepreneur in the U.S, Maribel Lieberman owns a variety of excellent qualities She is so humble, approachable, and easy-going so that you would feel that she treats you like her old friend. She is sincere and friendly, generous and respectful, optimistic and positive, independent and diligent. She is so charming and admirable! Her most important quality is her equality and harmony. She is always smiling at people no matter where they are from, what kind of skin they have. In her mind, all of the people in the world are equal! Everyone should be equally treated!
Maribel Lieberman's Love to China and Chinese Culture
When many people think that Chinese culture and traditions have been too old, out-of-date and should be thrown away, when Chinese herbal medicines and formulas have been scorned because they are lack of scientific verification, Maribel Lieberman is planning to expand her chocolate business to China: Except her special loves to China, Chinese culture, she has showed her special interests to the Chinese natural and rich herbs. She has her own Chinese herbalist to take care of her health, plans to add Ginseng as one ingredient in her chocolate. She is so eager to go back to China again to buy all of the herbs and bring them back to New York.
Passionate Dedication: Chinese Zodiac Sign and the Chinese Lunar New Year!
In order to express her love for China and Chinese culture, Maribel Lieberman exclusively designed a delicate box of chocolates to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year: Against the big red background, the four golden lanterns hanging on the top two corners, the pattern of the zodiac sign is in the middle of the cover surrounded by a circle of pink peach blossoms. What impressed people the most is the pattern of Mouse: A blue melon cap is making the mouse look funny and interesting, two talking and squinting eyes are showing its cleverness and cunning, a little tongue is sticking out just as trying to taste chocolates secretly is making his mouth watery. Does the upturned tail keep alert and run away at any time? Opening the delicate box, the combinations of the colors and the patterns just like a group of collections of customs of Chinese New Year are full of prosperity and joy and auspiciousness.
Passionate Dedication: Chinese Zodiac Sign and the Chinese Lunar New Year!