Our Mission, Passion & Contribution to Education
大家好:这里是分享我们对教育的使命,激情和奉献的园地。“十年之计,莫如树木;百年之计,莫如树人。” 比喻要使小树苗成为参天大树需要很长的时间。而培养一个人才则需要更多的时间。因此,这句话寓意着只有做好人的培育,才能使美德,才能,智慧得以接续、繁衍、传承。出自《管子·权修第三》。
Hello everyone: This is the place to share our mission, passion and dedication to education. "It takes ten years to plan a tree, but a hundred year to educate a person." It takes a long time to make a small sapling into a towering tree. And cultivating a talent takes more time. Therefore, this sentence implies that only by cultivating good people can virtue, talent, and wisdom be continued, multiplied, and inherited. From "Guanzi·Quanxiu No. 3".